Academic Papers

4. The Effects of Inconsistent Work Schedules on Employee Lateness and Absenteeism (2023) with Ananth Raman.

Under Review at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

5. Human-Computer Interactions in Demand Forecasting and Labor Scheduling Decisions (2024) with Ananth Raman and Jorge Tamayo

R&R at Management Science

First Draft: May 21, 2022.

6. Manager Performance and Labor Scheduling Practices with Ananth Raman.

7. The Effects of the Minimum Wage on Labor Scheduling Practices with Ananth Raman.

9. The Effects of Fair Workweek Laws on Store Performance: Evidence from Chicago and Los Angeles with Ananth Raman.

Note: Original paper included only results from Chicago. New paper that includes results from Los Angeles’ Fair Workweek Law coming soon.

First Draft: November 21, 2022.

Cases and Teaching Material:

1. Getting Started in R Cloud Studio with Chiara Farronato.

Harvard Business School Tutorial 621-708, February 2021

2. Innovation at Uber: The Launch of Express POOL Assignment Solutions Video with Chiara Farronato.

Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 622-704, January 2022

Resting Papers